The Event System

The Basics

One of the main feature of Phile is new event system, which replace the hook system of pico.

In the core Phile triggers a lot of events, and for every event you can register your plugin to get informed. Depending on the event data is passed along and can be manipulated by the plugin.

Subscribing to Events

The easiest way to subscribe to events is using the $events property in your plugin:

class Plugin extends \Phile\Plugin\AbstractPlugin {

    protected $events = ['after_load_content' => 'doStuff'];

    protected function doStuff($eventData) {
        // do stuff on the "after_load_content"-event

Choosing the Right Event

A plugin may subsribe to one or multiple events. Plug-ins should consider when they do what. The two major stages in Phile are:

  1. Bootstrap the environment (load configs, load plugins, populate services).
  2. Process request into response (evaluate incoming request, find content, render content, serve response).

As a rule of thumb:

If a plugin provides facilities to the core (e.g. implements a ServiceLocator), then it probably wants to register its functionality during the bootstrap stage (e.g. plugins_loaded event). The bootstrap phase should not create or send output.

The more common case is that a plugin requires facilities from the core (current page, template engine) to create or manipulate output. This should be done in events during the processing phase.

List of Events

In the core we trigger a lot of events, which help to manipulate content or other stuff within a plugin. To use the event system, you only have to register your plugin for a specific event, look at the example plugin for more an example.

The following list shows all events.


this event is triggered after the plugins loaded

param type description
plugins array Plugin classes of all loaded plugins


this event is triggered after the configuration is fully loaded

param type description
config array the complete configuration


this event is triggered after the core is initialized

param type description
response \Phile\Core\Response the response, set a PSR-7 response to send output early


this event is triggered after the request uri is detected.

param type description
uri string the requested uri (without install_path)
response Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface set a PSR-7 response to send output early


this event is triggered after a requested page is not found


this event is triggered after a request is resolved to a page

param type description
pageId string the requested page-ID
page Phile\Model\Page the page served
response Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface set a PSR-7 response to send output early


this event is triggered before the the template engine is init


this event is triggered before the template is rendered

param type description
templateEngine \Phile\Template\TemplateInterface the template engine
response Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface set a PSR-7 response to send output early


this event is triggered before the template is rendered

param type description
engine \Phile\Template\TemplateInterface the raw template engine
data array the variables being sent to the template engine


this event is triggered after the template is rendered

param type description
templateEngine \Phile\Template\TemplateInterface the template engine
output string the parsed and ready output


This event is triggered after the response is created with the rendered template.

param type description
response Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface Response with output


this event is triggered before the meta data is read and parsed

param type description
rawData string the unparsed data
meta \Phile\Model\Meta the meta model


this event is triggered after the meta data is read and parsed

param type description
rawData string the unparsed data
meta \Phile\Model\Meta the meta model


this event is triggered before the content is loaded

param type description
filePath string the path to the file
page \Phile\Model\Page the page model


this event is triggered after the content is loaded

param type description
filePath string the path to the file
rawData string the raw data
page \Phile\Model\Page the page model


this event is triggered before the content is parsed

param type description
content string the raw data
page \Phile\Model\Page the page model


this event is triggered after the content is parsed

param type description
content string the raw data
page \Phile\Model\Page the page model

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